6 Things To Do After A Car Accident

6 Things To Do After A Car Accident

Getting in a car accident is scary and stressful. Regardless of fault, amount of damage, or injuries, it’s important to take action to ensure that you and the other people involved will get the help you need to recover. Below are six things to do after a car accident.

1. Call 911

Even if no one appears to be injured and damage seems minimal, it’s always a good idea to call 911 and report the accident. They will check on all passengers involved and determine if there are underlying health issues or hidden injuries that need to be addressed by a medical professional. If you are able, move all passengers and vehicles onto the side of the road to better help paramedics to reach you, and also avoid further possible injuries from oncoming traffic.

2. Take Pictures

Taking pictures of the scene of the accident is imperative. You should, of course, take pictures of the damage, but also the road or intersection, the street signs, the surrounding area – anything that can paint a better picture for insurance companies to understand the context of the accident. Taking pictures will also help you remember exactly what happened and have proof to back up your side of the story.

3. Find A Lawyer

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident is tricky. It’s important to know your rights and what all your options are. A personal injury lawyer can help if you are experiencing pain. Even minor pain like a sore neck and back should be brought to attention and treated, as it can cause more significant damage later on. Most lawyers will offer a free consultation to inform you of what they can do for you and whether or not you have a case.

4. Write Down The Details

As soon as you are able, write down everything you remember about the car accident, even if you think you will remember it all. Over the coming weeks and months, you will likely have to retell the story many times to police, insurance companies, lawyers, etc. Having all the details written down will help you remember the important things and keep your story consistent.

5. Request The Accident Report

You can get a copy of the accident report by contacting the police station. Your lawyer can also request a copy for you. Go over the information and make sure it’s accurate and did not leave out any important details. Making sure the accident report is correct can make a huge difference in how your insurance company processes the claim.

6. Check-In With Yourself

In the following days and weeks, it’s important to continue checking in with yourself to make sure your physical and mental health is okay. It’s normal to start feeling pain and residual trauma after an accident, and it’s important to seek treatment, even if it’s been many days since the accident happened. There is no shame in checking in with a doctor if you feel things are a little off.

Steffy Alen

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